Why sports are important for youth?
playing sports can promote a healthy lifestyle and teach kids transferable skills that they use later in life.
kids learn valuable social skills through being on a team (such as how to share, value diverse skill sets, trust others, and support and encourage one another)
being involved in athletics can teach accountability and discipline
athletes learn their value as an individual and take responsibility for their own success
being a part of a sport feels good & can help boost self-esteem when the environment is healthy, supportive, and encouraging
different sports have different social and psychological benefits
Youth athletes are less likely than non-athlete youth to be depressed
Youth athletes who play team sports are less likely to smoke or use drugs
Physically active youth tend to test 40% higher in school
Youth athletes are less likely than non-athlete youth to commit suicide
The Benefits of Exercise for Children’s Mental Health. (2020, March 2). The New York Times. From